Friday, April 4, 2008

Sweet and innocent

The sweetness and innocentness in children is amazing. I get pictures of my grandsons
when my daughter can catch them at the right moment. When I get their pictures you can see such sweetness and innocent in the smiles, but,one look into the yes will tell a different story. Nicolas has the eyes that his Am'Ma has.
and the smile of an easy going person. Carlos<> Peanut has the smile that makes one love the innocene of children and the face that is so sweet.
But my boys are alot like their Am'Ma, I don't know why either. I mean I'm a sweet and innocent enough person,
I enjoy a good laugh, I love to wrestle and tumble around and when bored I look for a victimto toment and irritate.
So my grandsons have character and personality, they get that from me of course :).
I love going to the perschool where Nicolas goes and getting to see him at the end of the school day.
He sees me and takes him a min to let it register and then its "AM'MA!!" he runs and jumps up into my arms and gives me the biggest hug!!!!!!!!!!
Peanut, he slobbers and smile and then gives Am'Ma a slobber kiss on the arm, or the hand, or the face if I'm not paying attention to him.
But either way I TREASURE and LOVE my grandsons and Thank God for the Mother they are Blessed to have, because I love her as much as I love my noys.
I wish at times I could squeeze her down to their age and size and just hug, and cuddle her as I used to.

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