Friday, April 1, 2011

Well said sis. (For parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles) It's a hard thing to do; let your child make mistakes he/she may have made in their past.

It's a test for all involved family memebers; each family deals with it in their own terms. All too often though situations as such render a split in the family. I believe in the power of prayer and putting my faith and trust in God- he will make sure you are never alone.

Somtimes it's best to let them be grown ups and live their lives.
This way when your son and/or daughter do come and tell you you were right....well, it's up to you what you do with that victory.

1 comment:

crazy sis said...

amen! Nobody said life is easy and it sure don't come with a handbook. If it does, lmao because whom ever wrote it don't really know that much or as much.