Saturday, January 12, 2008

Strange Noises

This is the time of night when the house is quiet, or so you think it is.
I have this dog, his name is Black Jack, and right now he is the only real noise going on other than the refrigerator.

That dog can snore! I was told I snore, but I do believe he has me beat.
He is LOUD. Its strange when you think a dog can snore. I mean is it good for a dog to snore? Who knows, but he does. But that isn't the thing that is strange so much as the noises you hear when by your self.

I don't care how old or how new th house is, you are going to have strange noises. Some that make you jump and break out in a cold sweat, some that make you look and to come up with no idea as to what made that sound.

I live out in the country for now and I do LOVE it! The house I live in is an old farm house dating back ino the depression era. Not well insulated, but still standing, and it does make its share of noise.
Like when the washer start drianing, it will some times back up into the kitchen sink and gurggle or what I call "spit" because if the washer has a load of clothes in it and you are doing dishes at the time or washing your hands or something, and the washer drains, well it acks up into the sink and shoots these little gysers up until the washer has drained all the way, and the only thing you can do at that moment is either run for cover or stand there and see just how high the "spit" gyser will get, and then the fun is over.
The sounds I am talking about is the ones that are unidentifiable noises.
The ones that make a soft, but loud enough bump to be heard,
or the creaks and pops of things you didn't know could do that, only come to find out, its you doing all that creaking and poping from the chair you sit in or the floor you walk on.
Then there are the sudden noises . The ones that make you want to run for cover.
I don't run for cover at those noises any more i run to them. I am a VERY curious person when it comes to noises like that,I guess I have always been that way, Idon't know, but I do know not much scares me like that.
Call it a cheap thrill, but I like the RUSH of excitement .
Now Connie and my Beautiful daughter Jessica, well they spook way to easy. You can imagine how much fun I do have when I can have fun with them. I laugh, they scream, they hit or yell at me only to make me laugh at them that much harder.
Oh I do get spooked, if caught with my guard down.
I'll tell you about that later. We all can use a GOOD laugh and I do have laughs a plenty to give.

When you wake in the morning, embrace the day and give THANKS, when you lay at night give your Thanks for the day,
But!, When you hear that "BUMP" and not know, hang on tight, it could be me coming to give you a fright.
Not really it just sounded good.

1 comment:

Connie Clark said...

This is good too Cheryl! Very funny! My only suggestion is use your spell check before you post. The words are highlighted in yellow, left click on them and the correct words will come up and you pick the one you want. Reread it after spell check to make sure it's what you want posted.