Sunday, September 20, 2009


Wow! I got so many titles for this one running through my head that its hard to choose, so I have left it untitled, and for good reason. I'm SCARED, I mean I am truely scared and to those who know me, know I don't scare easily and or that I'm not scared of much.

After 11 yrs of of something I hold near and VERY oear to my heart and have been praying for to happen, is about to happen. How it will turn out. I don't know. Only GOD knows because He is the one who determines how,when, where, and why. As well as who. Wow! I am a bag of mixed emotions as this gets closer to happening. I catch my self being short of breath at times, my heart racing along with my pulse, I find my self being cornerd almost an snapping at those closest to me. I know why I'm doing this, I do and I know why I'm guarding my self over this as well.
I also know that once its here and I have standing in front of me will be what prayers have been answerd.
That will be one or two or all 3 of my youngest children that I had lost in a custody battle to my (missing link) ex husband. I have not been able to seethem, talk to them, or call them or write them since July 4th of 1998. The judge orderd me and my daughter to do a evaluation to see if she and I were stable and not the monsters that my ex and his father made us out to be.
My mother got a letter from my oldest son William telling her that all this time they did not know they could have been communicating back and forth with her and the rest of the family, but just not with me and their oldest sister. In it he also said he didn't understand why I left them and was looking for closuer.

I keep saying to everyone and myself I am ready for this, I can do this, I have answers for them and I know that some or alot or all of it they will not like and will be hard to understand and digest. I can't and won't hold them responseable for what their father allowed to happen as to what the kids would say to him, their grandparents, and the judge. At the time of the divorce and custody hearings my kids all were 14 yrs, 7&7 yrs, and 6yrs the time 1998 of July rolled around they were on the verge of becoming 8&8 and 7 yrs old as well as my daughter she had turned 15 by then.
I know the victory is just around the corner, and the battle is about to flare back up, only this will be with a different side to this. it will be the same issues, the same pain, but only it will be time to open up what had thought been heald up to squeeze out as much of the poison as possible. It lies just beneith the surface of us all.

The thing I WANT to do most is to get to know who ever it is if not all of them , get to know them again and allow them to know me as me their mother and mom.

When we meet face to face a victory will be at hand.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Strange Feelings

Everyone at some time or another encounters a strange feeling or feelings.
like when sitting out on the porch on an early day of Autum, just enjoying the sun, the cool breeze, the peace and quiet, the way the breeze blows your hair IF you have any. Being aware of all that goes on around you. Or you think you are being aware. The wind seems to be picking up just a little, your hair is moving more than it was then you look at the trees and grass to see if you are right. So you smooth down your hair and you end up feeling a stick in your hair and wonder HOW it managed to get in your hair when you hadn't even been any where to have gotten one. So you look around, find nothing and brush your hand in your hair in a different direction, you feel it fall out and quickly notice that it FELT colder than a stick does only to have a WALKING STICK fall out and into your lap and roll off on to the ground. Aren't you glad you went to the potty BEFORE that happend.

Pets and kids also end up causing one to have strange feelings or feel strange things from them.
Like standing and talking to someone when your pet comes up to you and leaves something on your feet THINKING all the while you would love it if that animal would get off your feet, just to either move and look down or just look down only to find either their butt on your foot or something they found or killed and are pround of them selves because they brought you a GIFT.
You either freak out and twitch in discugst, or calmly say in a LOVING voice"OH! , thank you so much, now run along and I'll go put this away." Expecting them to run off, nope they want you to take that prize and do something with it all the while they are watching.
Now kids, they can be like the pet. Loving, sweet, kind, playful, and proud of their findings too.
How about when they come up to you hands wet, thinking they washed their hands, not giving it a second thought, then the smell sets in,
Use your imagination. Was it pudding? Was it Ketchup? was it water? Was it paint? or the dreaded one Was it poop?
Only you and that child knows. My youngest grandson came to me one day with something on his fingers, me thinking he got into the pudding in the frige, he said "mell am'ma" I got close enough to find out he had dug into the back of his diaper to show me he had pooped.

There are so many things that can get your attention in some of the strangest ways.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

All Shook Up

There are many things in our life time when certain things, people and happenings can just shake the very foundation of of your core.
Lately there have been many things that have just been shaking me up and I'm one that can with stand alot of crap. I've HAD to in order to survive what I have been through in order to allow my family and children to survive. Some things may seem small on one hand and on the other are really BIG. There are those who have been through exactly the same ordeal or are going through it as I type this out. There are those who have had to live it through some one elses eyes and be there for support in one way or another.
I don't know what to really say or how I want this to come out sounding on here , let alone how am I to put it down on here in my words. My foundation has been shaking . To the core at times, but I FORCED my self back up to my feet and continue to climb another mountain. What I KNEW would happen has happend but only years later, but got shaken when I got the news.
No one said it was going to be easy out on the battle ground, no one said to watch your back out there, no one said time to come back in and rest and try again with a different way, no one said you can and will with stand it, no one said that you will learn a great deal out there.
Its like being tossed to the sharks and told sink or swim, or thrown to the wolves and told live or die.
I have done all of the above .

Some thought I had gone crazy and was talking crazy to the things that had been happening and are still happening. But ITS ALL IN THE TIMING when the truth does come out and is finally seen. Forgivness is another thing. I can forgive so easy to those who have no understanding as to what I have gone through or were there watching me and my children go through.
Its time for the healing and hurt to stop and the healing to begin and the pain of the old and new wounds to go away.
that I know is going to be a long road and path to travel, but as long as I have God as MY pilot, my family at my back and my friends in the cheering section I know and see the VICTORY goal in sight and the score board above it I KNOW I'll score and be the winner.

My family has seen each one of us at rock bottom, we have all supported each other in one way or another, but there is nothing like being shook to the core of ones foundation, and the key is not to let that keep you down, you got to have the "mustar" to get back up and pull it back together and make it that much stronger. for there is going to be one or two others who will need you because of the past experience in life.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gardening Time!!!!

I LOVE this time of year. Or I should say its ONE of my favorite times of the year.
Why? Because I get to PLAY IN THE DIRT!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter, her man friend and I planted some tomatoes today about 10 or 12 of them. Why so many? I have no idea. My daughter was the one who picked most of them and she planted just 2 pepper plants and we got some sweet onions planted to.

But what was funny was while her "Man friend " was digging up the spot to plant the garden he'd find a grub and have his fun.
Yup, you guessed it. He'd throw it at my daughter and make her squeal in disgust!!!!!!
The last one he threw at her landed on her leg and foot. Talk about a shimmying dance and an all out scream!!!! I laughed so hard it mad her a little mad. Even her boys were laughing because mommy was doing a funny dance so they tried to recreate her dance move, that was even funnier.
She went running into the house just trying to get the feel of the worm off her..
She went into the bathroom to see if she could get that feeling off. Don't know if it made a difference. She went back outside and helped him finish the spot.

We are waiting for the peas and green beans to come up now and some squash too. Next will be the cucmbers and carrots and potatoes.
Yup gonna try our hand at canning this fall and maybe try some jelly making as well.
Nicolas my oldest grandson who is 4 yrs old almost 5 went and looked at the grub, well next thing ya know he is squishing it in to the ground saying"look mom, I squished it." she got grossed out again. Well I told him to pick it up and give it to her, she looked at him and said "Don't you dare do it!"
He smiled , then laughed and started to bend over so mommy ran off.
I LOVE my grandsons!!!! My little parners in Am"Ma'S crimes LOL!!!!!
Later all going back outside.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

piddling around

Here I sit looking at this screen and not much going through my mind as to what I want to blab about. Well nothing important any way.

Have you ever watched people ? I mean REALLY watched them. How they walk, chew their food, dress, fix their hair IF they have any to fix or if they fix it at all.
Whats funny to me is trying to cure my boaredom at work. Now whe I get bored, thats a time to stay hidden and out of my line of fire or pranking.
I either get my self in trouble or cause someone to become irritated with me. But really what am I to do? One day at work I was grading Chicken legs(YAWN!) and this one lady I was grading with got me to mess with the ladies that weigh the legs at the automated scales. Well she and I were pretty bored so we decided to hold back as much as we could of the legs and then just send them on their way to be scaled. Man what a mess we created. legs all over the place! them ladies were so mad! but it was funny.
Didn't get in trouble either.(smiles really big and then giggles)

Ok, now what can I blab about??????????????????????????????????????????????
Still thinking give me a few and I KNOW I'll have some thing.............................................
AH, HA!!! got it! told you I would!
Alan nothing against you ok? you are excluded from this. HEE, HEE.
I work with a bunch of guys in the dept. I am in. And its just so funny when all these guys act all macho, bullish, cool, smart, or what ever comes to mind, but let them get a piece of CHICKEN FAT on their smock and man oh man its like a bug has landed on them! a BIG SCARRY BUG! I laugh so hard at them!!
They comes just short of freaking out! I'm not kidding!. these guys will let grease, mud, water and other crap get on them and not freak, but let a piece of chicken fat him them..........
They twist, turn, shake, quiver, slap it, or what ever. I'm suprised they don't get down on the ground and roll around screaming "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF ME!"
And then they play with the slime you can find under the skin around the legs or just under the skin on the breast area. They throw that at each other and cuss each other for it.
Some of these guys don't really know what to make of me at times. I will be really loud, cut up, yell, and b.s. with them for days and then I start to see the look of "man why can't she go work some where else today." When I see that look I get quiet and just work for days till they can't stand me being quiet. then it starts all over again. Or I just stay quiet and let them wonder" what she up to now" or "what has she got up her sleeve today am I a target?"
They don't really know until They start messing with me as to what I'll pull on them.
They all know I can stand my ground and don't back down or bend to their will. But get a guy I KNOW that theydon't really know and they all keep an eye on whats going on and what MIGHT happen.
HA HA HA!!!!!
Some men Will work hard and fast, some work very little and slow. Some think they need you to do their job or need you to help them but when you need their help, for get it they turn and go else where. Those are the ones I torment and irritate the most.
Men are funny they get to talking "raunchy" about a woman or women and just run off at the mouth, But When me and a friend or two get to talking like them they get this look on their face like SHE TALKS LIKE THAT! OR JUST LOOK ALL BUG EYED AT YOU IN SHEER SHOCK AND DISBELIFE AT THE WORDS COMING FROM HER MOUTH! lmao!!! I HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO MAKE MEN TURN RED OR EVEN CLEAR A TABLE THAT HAS 3 OR 4 GUYS SITTING AT IT WHILE ME A MY FRIEND(S) TALK ABOUT MEN. ITS JUST WAY TO FUNNY! Ok done with them for a while.
Think I'll sit in this chair and spin in circles and pray the back don't fall off while I think.
Well can't come up with any thing right at the moment, and it could be that the time right now is 1:22 am. and my brain and body is telling me time to close my eyes for now.
Yup I do thinks that is what it is. So I'll stop and publish this and then maybe I'll have a brain storm and have some thing to write about.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What can you do but live and laugh

Today has been a VERY interesting and VERY LONG day.

We got majorly dumped on and hit hard with a major ICE STORM. Me and Jessie went outside as much as we could today and just stood on the porch and listened to and watched beautiful Pine trees, Maple Trees, Pecan Trees, and every other kind of tree we have around this little town of Green Forest, Arkansas.

My sister Connie nad her hubby had the Willow tree split in half in their yard, made me want to cry. It actualy looks like some one got chain saw happy and went all over town and just took their frustrations out on the trees and power lines.

Its an awsome sound to hear the snapping, and popping of trees, but what is a spooky sound is when you hear the cracking and then hear it fall. You don't know where its coming from around you at the time unless you happen to be beside it or extremly close by. But to see it fall from a great height is the kicker of all.

Jessie's boy... Opps excuse me... "MAN FRIEND" has lost electrcity due to a tree coming down behind his home and knocking off the power box from the house. It turns out at the time his house was the only one without power, but THANK God for gas heat huh?????

She decided to stay at his house with Carlos:: Aka Peanut

I think it was an ok move, because outside my mother's home I walked up to the side street where she lives and counted 4 lines down due to trees having their break downs of the weight of the ice on the branches.

I'm THANKFUL that all who have checked in and kept in touch are all safe ,warm, and inside. But enough of that.

My boys as I call them from time to time, are little characters for sure. My father, if he were living today would just be tickled pink at these 2 boys. And keeping them in trouble more than I do.

My Father was quite the practical joker and it has rubbed off on me all I'm doing is passing on the trade to my grandson's. I mean somebody has to carry the torch, right?

Well why not them.? LOL!

I'm sure they will create their own mischife on top of what they are taught.

Me and Nicolas have this game we play to get him to dress, or eat or help clean house. We race or I tell him NOT to get this,or that, or I'll say don't you eat or drink my what ever.

Well he decided to pull that on a couple of little girls at preschool the other day. He is made to sit by his teacher and the boy does like to be comfortable and relax. Not my doing there, had to set that straight.

Any way, He decided to pull a good one, so he looked at these 2 little girls that are his friends and told one not to drink his milk(hers in other words). Well th teacher just looks at him and tells him to eat.

He took a bite and the a drink of his OWN milk and looks up in time to see the friend drinking her milk. He said to her" I old you not to drink my milk" the little girl looks at him like he is nuts, and the teacher didn't know what to think.

So later on that day his teacher told his mother--- my daughter about what happend. My daughter rolled her eyes, giggled and told Nicolas's teacher its a game he and I play to get him to eat, clean up, or to get dressed.

Once she got the story behind the game she thought it was a good idea and creative as well.

Now "Peanut" on the other hand is gonna be the handful. That too is none of my doing, well except some of the looks he gives. Laughing my arse off!!!!!!!

He will use every thing he learns from alll who are around him
to either get by with what ever or to get him out of trouble or into trouble. I'll be blamed for the last one I know this already. (snicker, snicker)

Well it is now Marck of 2009. All have survived the MAJOR ICE STORM and al have their electric and heat on. THANK YOU GOD!
Now its the time of year for more colds, flu, and allergies to be kicking back up. LOADS of fun. But its all apart of our system to clean out the impurities and allow the good to take over. Something like that.

I just wish a personal vaccum cleaner could be made so when we get "boogerd up" all we'd have to do is stick that thing up the nose and let it suck the boogers! Well I think it sounds good.
About 2 days after the chicken plant got back up and going I was working back in the rehang area. My lead back there(patty) told those of us to be careful, because she had the drains opend.
Well at the time I HEARD her saying something, but didn't LISTEN as close to her as I generally do. Yup you got it. I fell in the drain.
Have you ever been so engrossed in the job or work you are doing or what you are reading and some one tells you something, its ok as YOUR response?
Yup that was me. Well I was trying to catch what is called a "one legger" that is when the bird has one hock in the shackle and the other is or had come out of the other shackle. Any way I went off chasing that stupid dead, defeatherd, gutless, headless, feet less ugly bird and next thing I know I'm looking at the leads shoees and heard her asking me"what the hell are you doing?" "I can't believe you did that.!" All I thought when I realised what happend was "OOOOOOO, thats gonna hurt and leave a mark for sure"
I looked up at her and just cracked up laughing. Laying there sprawled out like something out of a horror flick I'm sure, and LMAO.
Well she helped me up, and asked me if I was alright and if I needed to go to the nurses station. Now ANYONE who has or does work in a processing type plant knows that the nurses won't do a THING unless you cut off a body part or you are dead up there.
Well need less to say I told them about my being graceful and not paying attention because I was to involved.
I got laughed at and told to take care.
I had a massive bruise that went 3/4 of the way down my right thigh and on the ribs I had the corner of the pallet I landed on bruised on there. ribs still let me know and remind to watch my step. The lead? she makes sure she has MY attention when it comes to cleaning the drains.

Me? Well I did find out just how much of me can actually fit into an open drain and that I do bounce instead of splat when i fall or slipp.